London concert to raise funds for the Trust
A concert is to take place at this year’s Brandenburg Chorus Festival of London that will, as well as being a wonderful opportunity to...

Rare 1950s Dowland recording found
An enquiry from a young student tenor has led to the re-discovery of a rare recording of John Dowland songs by Richard Lewis during the...

Congratulations to Emily Garland!
The winner of the 2015 Richard Lewis/Jean Shanks Award was announced on 19th February at the Royal Academy of Music in London after a...

Wigmore Hall Song Circle in memory of Richard Lewis
The Richard Lewis/Jean Shanks is sponsoring this year's Song Circle concert on the 1st February at London's Wigmore Hall. Song Circle is...

Major new funding for singers during our centenary year
(A picture of Richard Lewis outside the Royal Academy of Music's theatre) At a packed event hosted by the Royal Academy of Music to...

The lady whose husband helped begin our work
Elizabeth Muir Lewis (right), founder of the Richard Lewis/Jean Shanks Trust, with Sally Walker, widow of Paul Walker. Fundraising...

First singer to receive our new £6,000 annual scholarship
(LtoR) Elizabeth Muir-Lewis of the Richard Lewis/Jean Shanks Trust, with John Porter on the stage of the Royal Academy of Music's...

May 10th is 100th anniversary of Richard's birth
If Richard Lewis were still alive then today, May 10th 2014, would have been his 100th birthday and although sadly he is not with us, he...

Winner of this year's £14,000 singing award revealed
Eleven singers were picked to be the finalists in this year’s Richard Lewis Award singing competition at the Royal Academy of Music. The...
Finalists for 2014 Richard Lewis/Jean Shanks Award are chosen
Last week the prelimanry auditions took place in The Royal Academy of Music, London to choose the finalists in the Richard Lewis /Jean...